Moving from "Early age" to "Modern times",
1) Barter System was there 1000 years ago
2) Traditional Marketing was there 400-500 years ago
3) Seller's Marketplace was 100 years ago
4) 20th Century Conventional mass media marketing
5) Fragmented New Age Marketing
FRAGMENTED NEW AGE MARKETING is about marketing to a global audience using the internet as the most important tool along with TV Channels and Radio Channels
here, you will learn how to manage Digital Marketing using Process-oriented Approach with defined
# Input
# tools
# Output
New age marketing is data-driven and focused on specific calls.
Conventional Marketing: It occurs as an interruption to consumers. It is unidirectional.
New-age Marketing: It is about engagement to the content and it is multidirectional marketing.
Multimedia forms generate big data, then software assimilates data to generate valuable insights.
Social media and company website allows companies to showcase at a low cost with comparison and engages content to go viral, creating brands to produce instructional content.
This new method of marketing requires small budgets as an online-paid advertisement replaces conventional mass media marketing.
communication transaction is back and forth content.
multi-directional communication facilitated using fragmented new-age marketing.
customer can provide their own feedback & research about the products through blogs, Twitter, google reviews, and forums for enthusiasts.
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